This Great War drama opens in the trenches during an artillery bombardment. Receiving bayonet wounds, young Simon (Guillaume Depardieu) drops out of the action, joining other injured soldiers at a Brittany hospital. One day he meets schoolteacher Marthe (Clotilde Courau), who lives in the household of the hospital's head doctor (Bernard Giraudeau). Soon a romance begins to develop. Cinematography by Kevin Jewison, son of director Norman Jewison.
- Είδος: Δράμα, Ρομαντική, Πολεμική
- Διευθυντής: Jean-Loup Hubert
- Ηθοποιοί: Κλοτίλντ Κουρό, Guillaume Depardieu, Bernard Giraudeau, Thérèse Liotard, Gérard Jugnot
- Χώρα: